Spiegel Geschichte
Schattenkriege - Machtpoker in der Krise
Info, Geschichte • 29.01.2025 • 15:45 - 16:30
5th September 1981 a Welsh group called 'Women for Life on Earth' arrive at Greenham to protest against the decision of the Government to allow 96 cruise missiles to be based there. After their request for a debate on the issue is ignored they are joined by women of the Berkshire Anti Nuclear Campaign and the start of a 19year occupation of what was to be known as 'The Women's Peace Camp' begins, 6th September 1981. (Photo by Staff/Reading Post/MirrorpixGetty Images)
Demonstrators outside the French Embassy in London protesting against French nuclear testing in the Pacific, 5th September 1995. (Photo by Steve Eason/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA - JANUARY 23:  A South Korean protester sprays paint on a portrait of North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il during an anti-North Korea rally near the government complex building January 23, 2003 in Seoul, South Korea. Protesters demanded North Korea abandon its nuclear weapons development programs and denounced North Korea's withdrawal from the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT).  (Photo by Chung Sung-Jun/Getty Images)
The SS-20, known as the 'Pioneer' in Russian, is a two-stage, solid propellant missile with three multiple targetable reentry warheads. The missile is almost 16.5 meters tall. The exterior of the first stage is yellow fiberglass with numbers and Cyrillic letters printed along the circumference. The letters and numbers are used as guides in the manufacturing process when the solid fuel is covered with fiberglass. Two thirds of the way up the missile are the letters 'CCCP' and a yellow five-point star. The Votkinsk Machine Building Plant, USSR, constructed the missile for the exhibition at the National Air and Space Museum. Exhibition of this missile complies with the Intermediate Nuclear Forces agreement between the US and USSR that provided for the preservation of fifteen SS-20 and Pershing II missiles to commemorate the first international agreement to ban an entire class of nuclear arms exhibition. It does not contain fuel or any live components. The Ministry of Defense of the USSR donated the missile to the Smithsonian. Artist Votkinsk Machine Building Plant. (Photo by Heritage Art/Heritage Images via Getty Images)
Secret Wars Uncovered
Info, Geschichte
1985 wurde das Greenpeace-Schiff "Rainbow Warrior" im Hafen von Auckland durch eine Bombe schwer beschädigt. Ein Besatzungsmitglied starb. Den Anschlag hatten Mitarbeiter des französischen Geheimdienstes verübt. Es ist der blutige Höhepunkt in der Geschichte der Protestbewegung gegen Atomwaffen, die immer wieder mit Demonstrationen und spektakulären Aktionen das nukleare Wettrüsten bekämpfte.